Class no 18 (work from home)

Hi All. It is forecast to be 6 degrees below zero on Thursday. Rather than asking you to trudge to school for a hang session with me in the bunker, I propose that we structure the day for remote work.

Google Hangouts:

12students x 30minutes = 6hours, which is about the length of our class. Pick a time and drop a line in the comments section of this post by EOD Tuesday. I’ll send out google invites based on the times that you’ve selected. First come, first served.

Kickstarter Preview Pages:

We’ll make 3 pods for reviews this week. Review and comment on the campaign preview page for each person in your pod. In the lead-up to class, put a couple of hours into the completion of your page and the page content. During this week’s class session, review and leave comments for each person in your pod. By 7PM Thursday, each of you should have at least three people’s comments on your page.

Pod1: Aliece, John, Phil, Tom

Pod 2: Sarah, Alain, Anthony, Emmanuella

Pod 3: Heather, Grace, Tessa, Caleb

Business Model Canvas:

Upload this slide and the competitive matrix slide as a single PDF or a single google slide file before your scheduled google hangout. I want to see and briefly discuss where each of you are headed for the business exploration component of the course.