Class no 17 recap

Potluck plan

The treats list is shaping up.

The treats list is shaping up.

Campaign Marketing Plans

Many interwoven components to consider and plan. Lists, schedules, and content.

Many interwoven components to consider and plan. Lists, schedules, and content.

Accounting Reports Part 1, Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement)

Balance sheet, statement of cashflows, and Quickbooks link coming next week.

A smattering of notes. Income Statement in the middle.

A smattering of notes. Income Statement in the middle.

IP Clinic with K&L Gates (free legal help). No submissions offered.

Business Canvas Updates. 2 of 12 with work to present.

Feb 14th Presentations Invitation:



Bring the following to project to the class (PDF, keynote, google slides) 3 canvases and 1 competitive landscape slide showing your competing solutions (vertical axis) and the criteria that you are using to judge your activity relative to the others (horizontal axis).

Email to me your kickstarter preview link and your website URL.

ClassesTed Burdett