Where does epd meet?

EPD meets in the Architecture and Design Studios building at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Class runs from 1pm to 6:40pm on Thursdays during the Fall and Spring semesters.


how many students are in epd?

The size of the EPD class varies year to year. The Fall 2018 EPD class is fully enrolled.

When can I see EpD projects on kickstarter?

This year's EPD class will launch multiple waves of projects. Our first projects under the theme 'quick starter' will launch in September 2018. Our second round of campaigns will launch February 14th, 2019. The class will hold a Thursday evening launch event to mark the beginning of the February campaigns. Please subscribe to our email list to stay informed of events and campaigns or RSVP to our upcoming February 14th Launch Event at UIC.


where can i see past epd projects?

Visit Craighton Berman's blog, Always Be Hustling, to see past year's projects and activities. Most EPD campaigns are archived on the EPD Kickstarter profile page.


Can I sponsor epd?

EPD is actively seeking sponsors and collaborators. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring an EPD class please write to us on using the Contact Page.

how do i apply to be a guest speaker?

All of our guest speakers participate on an invitation basis. If you are interested in sharing a story or lesson with the EPD class, we'd love to know about it. Drop us a line on the Contact Page