A Quick Link to Last Year's EPD Projects

This is my first year teaching EPD all the way through for both Fall and Spring semesters. Last year I had the pleasure of co-teaching the class with Craighton Berman in the 2017 Spring semester, after visiting to lecture and advising a few of the students in the Fall. During the three years that Craighton taught the class, he maintained a beautiful archive of the class's projects and activities on the blog, Always Be Hustling.

This year, I am trying a new format for the class's web presence, using Squarespace as the blogging platform. Why change from the tumblr blog platform? While tumblr makes sharing content between blogs immediate and simple, Squarespace provides e-commerce features along side blogging tools, all in one platform. The EPD class will still be engaged in documenting projects and reflecting on class experiences in blog format. But come February 2018, when EPD Kickstarter campaigns are rolling to a close, our students will be able to activate the e-commerce portion of their existing website while maintaining all of their development blog content on the same site.

While this website will not likely utilize e-commerce tools, I decided to use Squarespace for the central site as well in order to gain familiarity with the design and management interface.

ProjectsTed Burdett1 Comment