Spring 2018, Class #2

This week's class is jam-packed!


#1 Totally critical: You must be prepared at the beginning of class to submit your Kickstarter campaign for review by the Kickstarter new projects team. I have coordinated with their team and they are expecting your projects to be submitted all at once for review.

#2 Complete a detailed schedule outlining your plan for reaching out to influencers and your relevant community to make people aware of your campaign. Your outreach channels should not be exclusively digital; identify and include events at which you can spread awareness of your campaign.


At 1PM we will have a Skype call with a team from the retail company, Uncommon Goods. Make sure that you are 10 minutes early to class so that we can work together to setup for the call. Uncommon Goods has worked with numerous entrepreneurs to bring products to market following crowdfunding launches.

At 4PM Chris Huizenga will join us for a talk on marketing strategy. Chris will introduce a number of frameworks that are used to evaluate internal and contextual factors when defining business strategy.

From 6-8PM (departure 5:15) we have an optional field trip to the ICNC, the long established Kinzie Industrial Corridor Incubator. The Hatchery, a food business incubator launched in part by the ICNC is co-hosting a workshop with General Assembly on influencer marketing. The event is free but registration is required.
