Thursday September 28th
5 Minute Concept Updates: [1:00-5:30]
- Share your product hypothesis.
- Pitch your key concepts.
- Share your goals for next week.
Due Thursday October 5th:
- Prepare questions for Chadwick Parker of Big Idea Design.
- Post #3: Another project deep dive. Topics: conversations with manufacturers, explaining a technical process that you've been investigating, a summary of conversations that you've had with people who you think are your target user, prototyping session, etc.
- Prepare your WK6 project update [switch to digital]
- state hypothesis ... and tell us what questions you need to answer to validate the hypothesis.
- create competitive matrix (I drew this on the board 9/28).
- show us how your development work (form, user research, material, mfg, cost, story) is leading to the validation or refinement of your hypothesis.
- include competitive projects/products/objects/solutions.
Coming Up October 12th:
- Prepare questions for Skype call with Stephanie Pereira of Kick Starter.
- Post #4: Reflections on interview with Chadwick Parker.
- Post #5: Your interview with an entrepreneur.
- Lightning updates [3min presentation]
- Costing your project.
- Working Session.